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TPTA is currently accepting course proposals for education tracks and the keynote session for Annual Conference. 

All information must be included in the submission of the proposal. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Speakers receive a free full conference registration, access to all conference events and expo hall, and course development credit. 

Thinking about submitting a course? We are seeking courses that range in level from Student-Beginner to Professional-Advanced. Courses can be specialty specific. For a list of APTA Sections/Specialties click here.

We are also looking for courses that address some of the latest trends in Physical Therapy.

Examples of recent trends:

  • The Rise of Telehealth/Telerehab
  • Gamified Rehabilitation
  • Changes in Reimbursement
  • Wearable Technologies
  • Patient Safety 
  • The Rise of Home-based Care
  • Therapy in Changing Times 
  • PT Practice Management 
  • PT and Technology
  • Diversity in Physical Therapy
  • Patient Engagement
  • Staff Burnout

General Education Tracks:
Courses will be reviewed and selected based on the following:

  • Foundation of Evidence in Relation to The Profession; Consider the following three elements: authenticity, reliability, and relevance
  • Intelligibility of Proposal
  • Anticipated Participant Interest
  • Complexity of Content
  • Applicability To Objectives; Objectives should be clear, measurable and specifically describe what the participant will be able to perform at the conclusion of the course; When developing a measurable learning objective consider the utilization of observable actions (refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy) and specific criteria of performance
  • Instructional Method Is Appropriate for Content and Objectives
  • Time and Spacing Limits

Proposal submissions closed.

Call for Poster Abstracts:
Abstracts are intended to represent scientific research or noncommercial content related to clinical practice. 

Submissions closed July 15th.