Rehab for the Geriatric Population (SED)
Harris Health System Rehabilitation Services at Fournace 4800 Fournace Place Bellaire, TX 77401
Saturday, January 06, 2024, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
Category: District Meetings
The geriatric population is one that frequently is referred for physical therapy care. They typically have many areas where they could benefit from the guided care of a physical therapist. This includes but is certainly not limited to various joint pains, balance deficits, abnormal gait, and low strength/endurance to name a few. This course can provide further insight into how to appropriately care for this population by optimizing their outcomes and improving their function. 8 CCUs
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to: 1) Review exercise prescription and dosage in the geriatric population; 2) Determine and address fall risk in the geriatric population; 3) Utilize outcomes measures that are both clinically useful and easily performed in all settings; 4) Implement functional treatment strategies across the continuum of geriatric care.
Speaker(s) Danielle Keyser MS, LOTR, GTCCS, CAPS is an licensed occupational therapist from Louisiana who has extensive experience in the rehab care of the geriatric population. She has completed relevant post-graduate training with this population as a Geriatric Training Certified Specialist and LSVT BIG training for those with Parkinson's. She has also given numerous lectures and professional talks centered around the care of the geriatric population.
Jamie Partridge PT, DPT, OCS is a license physical therapist in Houston, TX working for the Harris Health System. She completed a post-graduate orthopaedic residency with the Harris Health System and has continued on staff as a physical therapist. She has since coordinated and lead many modules for the residency program as faculty with extensive teaching/clinical experience regarding rehab for underserved populations, including geriatrics.
Schedule 8-10 am: review exercise prescription and dosage in geratric population 10-12 pm: to determine and address fall risk in geriatric population 12-2pm: discuss utilization and performance of outcome measure that are clinically useful and easily performed 2-4pm: discuss implementation of functional treatment strategies across continuum of geriatric care
Additional Locations In person only
Cancellation Policy N/A
Registration Fees Students: $75 TPTA PT/PTA Members: $125 Non TPTA PT/PTA Members: $175
There is an additional $25 fee for onsite registration. There will be no refunds for cancellations at any point.
Registration CCUs are only issued to PTs and PTAs. In order to receive credit, you must be present for the full course. After the course complete the course evaluation by 1/15/2024. Link to the evaluation in is your confirmation email.
Pre-registration closes at noon on 1/5
Register Here
Contact: [email protected]